Sunday, August 30, 2009

The Crying Lady.

Type of Hauntings

Residual Haunting
"The most prevalent type of haunting, by far, is referred to as a residual haunting. In this type of haunting the ghostly energy goes through a cycle of actions over and over again. It's like a video clip that repeats itself in a loop. Oftentimes this plays out at a specific time as though it were following a schedule. Most commonly the scene played out will be that of a tragic event, such as a death. This type of haunting is more like a psychic impression of energy than an actual haunting by a presence or entity. Many true stories seem to describe this type of occurrence.

Intelligent Haunting

The second classification of haunting is known as the Classic or Intelligent Haunting. In an Intelligent Haunting the spirit, or ghost, demonstrates an intelligence and an awareness of its surroundings. These ghosts have been known to communicate with humans and to interact with their environment. In this type of haunting it is common for objects to be moved. There have been reports of ghosts making noises, such as rapping or banging on walls, slamming doors, or making footsteps. Ghosts have been known to move things around, or even to hide objects. They may even turn light switches on and off. This type of ghost will often manifest the personality of someone who has died. Smells and odors that were commonly present with the person when they were still living, such as tobacco, perfume, or flowers, often occur in these hauntings.

Now then, lets move on....

Most people know of at least one ghost story that has been told as being true within their family. Many of us even remember living near a haunted house when we were young. As children we tend to believe these ghost stories are real, but by the time we grow up we often consider ghosts to be as mythical as Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny or the Great Pumpkin.

Humans have always been both fascinated and afraid of the unknown. Even during ancient times people experienced encounters with the paranormal and shared their stories with others.

At True Ghost Tales we delve into the supernatural with visitor submitted true ghost stories, ghost pictures, haunting articles, EVPs, poltergeists, werewolves and more paranormal topics. We have a lot of resources for ghost hunters and everyone interested in the paranormal world. The blog is updated every day with new ghost stuff. We also have an archived section of ghost stories and for those of you who like to interact with others who are into the paranormal we have a forum.

However we may explain the supernatural world, nothing prevents us from being intensely interested in real true ghost stories, haunted houses, and the realm of the supernatural.

In different stories, ghosts have been described as being benevolent, benign, or malevolent. A benevolent ghost seems to want to help or protect in some way while a malevolent spirit will seek to inflict harm. Benign ghosts are usually indifferent to, or unaware of, the living.


"A few years ago my wife of seven years and our four kids (my step children) and I moved to what we all knew to be our dream home. Now I can go on and on about so many things that went on while living there. To which they were experienced by anyone and almost everyone that came into our home. But the story I’m going to tell today I feel is the scariest that happened to my wife and I.

It was a Saturday, in the middle of summer. My daughter and my niece, who were 15 at the time, asked if we could drop them off at a party. My wife and I had been arguing through out the day. Which we did a lot while we lived there. And not just us but everyone that lived there. So we went on our way about 10:00 pm. We knew the people where we were dropping them off, told them we would be back and to please watch them. As we drove back something I said sparked a new argument between us that escalated to a screaming and violent one. My wife was crying and very angry. We were two blocks from our home and my wife said she did not want for our boys to see her that way and for us to go cool off at he park, which is two blocks from our home.

Needless to say we continued to argue. At that point my wife walked away from me telling me she needed time alone. About 22 years ago her dad was murdered and she often cries out to him when she feels sad. On this night after hours of fighting, she started walking towards the little pond at the park. I could hear her crying and asking her dad to just please take her with him. She sounded so hurt, I walked towards her put my hand on her shoulder and tried to ease her pain. As she sobbed I thought I heard what seemed to be her echo to the left of us. She must have heard it too at the same time because she stopped crying and had a look of confusion on her face.

This sobbing continued much louder and much sadder than my wife’s. As we turned to look, a few feet away from us there is a bench between the volleyball court and the pond. And right in front of the bench, ironically there is a weeping willow tree. Well what we saw defied any logical explanation because by this time it was 2 something in the morning. And we saw no lights of cars or saw anyone else arrive.

But there was a woman sitting there wearing a white long skirt, long sleeve white shirt. and she had long wavy, dark thick hair. She had her face buried in her hands bent over sobbing. My wife and I started walking towards her, forgetting our own problems at that time. Still about 15 feet away I began to ask her “are you ok”, I did that about 3 times. when she didn’t answer me I asked her in Spanish “estas bien”.

What happened next, till this day gives me a cold chill down my spine. Something answered me back but I can tell you that it wasn’t a woman. In the most deepest roughest male voice it answered me “yes”. That’s all it took, my wife and I looked at each other grabbed our hands and hauled it out of there.

We still go there. During the day. It’s a very old park dating back to the 1800’s. It’s a natural spring which was bigger then. People used to swim there. But once it starts getting dark whatever or who ever we are with, pack our stuff and go. As far as the house goes we moved out. Found out very weird stuff about it and we are a lot happier."
Source-Mario Mayorga- credit-

According to the most recent Gallup poll 32% of Americans believe that ghosts are real.